Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


New seizure of marijuana plants in Moratalla (04/09/2018)

Agents of the Local Police of Moratalla after making the appropriate inquiries about a possible Marijuana plantation in the "Puente de Hellín" area of ​​Moratalla.

They get in touch with the Civil Guard Post of Moratalla and proceed to patrol and discreet surveillance of possible places.

Last Friday 31/08/2018, taking advantage of the presence of CUCO (Air Service of the Civil Guard) in the town, several possible sites in the area are discarded.

During the weekend, agents of the Civil Guard Post of Moratalla and Local Police perform services in the area, delimiting the search.

Finally, at 07:00 a.m. on 03/09/2018 a local police patrol locates the plantation and immediately contacts the Civil Guard Post Commander of Moratalla, who proceeds to request an Order of Entry and Registration to the Judicial Authority, according to report and photographic report provided by the Local Police.

An entry and registration is made in the property, participating in the same components of the Civil Guard Post Moratalla and Moratalla Local Police advised at all times by a component of the Judicial Police Eguipo of Caravaca de la Cruz.

A total of 23 adult plants are apprehended, some of them 2.5 meters high, with a total weighing of approximately 40 kg.

and proceeds to the arrest of a person from the locality as alleged author of the Crime to Public Health by Culture.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Moratalla

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