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The youngest are also mentioned with the Trail and Moratalla (20/03/2019)

The key dates that we live for the Trail not only will quote us this Saturday 23 with that Championship of Spain of the specialty by Autonomic Federations, in the framework of the XII The Valley Trail.

Shortly after, on Sunday, April 7, Moratalla will host another event, the Vertical Moratalla, which will be among other things witness of an unprecedented competition, the Championship of Promotion of Trail of the Region of Murcia for the categories Sub12, Sub14, Sub16 and Sub18.

Athletes with or without a license can participate in it, in all cases with start and finish at the La Puerta Campsite, starting at 10:30 am.

in the case of this Regional Promotion.

The registration period for the event is still open, organized by the Mountain Noroeste Club with the collaboration of Camping La Puerta, the Town Hall of Moratalla and the FAMU, through Alcanza Tu Meta (http://www.alcanzatumeta.es/inscripcionp1 .php? id = 443418) until next April 3 at 11:59 p.m.

or reach the limit of enrolled in each modality.

There will be trophies for the top three finishers in each category, completing the Sub12 athletes a distance of 2,000m., With 4,000m.

for the Sub14 and Sub16 categories, as well as 6,000m.

for the Sub18.

Source: FAMU

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