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Regional of Trail 2019] | This Friday was the start of the appointment to celebrate next Sunday, April 7, also hosting the Regional Trail Championship and Regional Promotion |

We have already been able to know all the details about another of the great dates of the season with the Trail, which will take place next Sunday, April 7.

This has been thanks to the presentation act, this Friday, Vertical Moratalla, which in Vertical Trail mode will witness another year of the Murcia Region Individual Trail and Absolute Clubs, as well as the 13th scoring event of the Circuit Trail Tour FAMU 2018/19 on a route of approximately 33.5km.

and a positive difference of 1,600m., starting at 9:00 h.

Shortly after, at 9:30 am, the Vertical Promo will start, over a distance of 19.5km.

and a positive drop of 1,000m.

and from 10: 30h.

will take place an unprecedented competition, the Championship of Promotion of Trail of the Region of Murcia for the categories Sub12, Sub14, Sub16 and Sub18, in which may participate the athletes with or without a license, in all cases with departure and goal in the Camping La Puerta.

An act of presentation attended by, among others, the president of the Mountain Northwest Club, Julián Sánchez, as well as the vice president, Isabel López;

the Councilor for Finance, Administration, Industry, Local Development, Training, New Technologies, Citizen Participation and Transparency of the City of Moratalla, Miguel Martínez Cascales, along with the member of the FAMU Trail Commission Juanjo Floriano.

The registration period for the event is still open, organized by the Mountain Noroeste Club with the collaboration of Camping La Puerta, the Town Hall of Moratalla and the FAMU, through Alcanza Tu Meta (Absolute tests: http: //www.alcanzatumeta. es / inscripcionp1.php? id = 424689; Regional Promotion Code: http://www.alcanzatumeta.es/inscripcionp1.php?id=443418) until next April 3 at 11:59 p.m.

or reach the limit of enrolled in each modality.

There will be trophies for the first three classified in each category established in the popular events, in addition to the first place and the most numerous club in the Vertical Trail.

In that Regional Trail will have the first three individual classified in each category, with a trophy for the first three absolute clubs, being also recognized the first three athletes in the Regional Trail Promotion.

Source: FAMU

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