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[The Civil Guard investigates three hunters for the death of a hawk in Moratalla (07/01/2021)

| In collaboration with Environmental Agents of CARM | The common hawk (Accipiter Nisus) is listed as a vulnerable species They are attributed the alleged perpetrator of a crime related to the protection of flora, fauna and domestic animals, for hunting protected species of wild fauna The action is framed in the operation 'Red Dot', developed at the national level for the control and fight against poaching The Civil Guard of the Murcia Region, in collaboration with Environmental Agents of the CARM, has developed the operation 'Castillicos' in Moratalla, to investigate a case of poaching, which has resulted in the identification of n, location and investigation of three hunters, who have been instructed as alleged perpetrators of a crime related to the protection of flora, fauna and domestic animals, for the death by shooting with a firearm.

fire of a protected species of wildlife: a common hawk (Accipiter Nisus).

The actions began when the civil guards of the Nature Protection Service (SEPRONA), within the framework of the operation 'Red Dot', developed at the national level for the control and fight against poaching, provided service in the Northwest region and they met Environmental Agents in a bounded area of ??mountains, who reported that while they were monitoring a raptor they observed how they had shot it down, being shot in mid-flight, and it fell.

to died inside a bounded.

The Environmental Agents also informed the SEPRONA troops that, after approaching the area where the bird fell in order to identify the presumed hunter, he fled by sounding a kind of bugle, at the appear to warn other hunters of the presence of the agents.

A coordinated search device was quickly established between the two bodies, entering the boundary in which the events occurred, being a mountain area with difficult access, steep and with dense vegetation.

Therefore, the motorcycles that the civil guards were driving at that moment were the most suitable for carrying out the search for the suspects.

After several hours of search and various procedures, as well as the practice of surveillance stations in the area, it was possible to identify three people from the same hunting party inside the bounded area, all of them having long rifled weapons and cartridges for hunting.

After conducting an exhaustive technical-ocular inspection, to collect all possible vestiges, the killed animal was removed and transferred to the 'El Valle' Wildlife Recovery Center in Murcia, for the performance of the corresponding necropsy, which confirmed that the death of the animal was caused by the effect of a shotgun shell.

Once all the necessary evidence had been obtained, the Civil Guard established a search device on the three suspects, which has culminated in their location and investigation, who have been instructed as alleged perpetrators of a relative crime to the protection of flora, fauna and domestic animals, due to the death by gunshots of a common hawk, which is listed as a vulnerable species in the Spanish Catalog of Threatened Species .

The perpetrators of this type of crime are punished with imprisonment from six months to two years or a fine of eight to twenty-four months and, in any case, special disqualification for profession or trade and special disqualification for the exercise of the right to hunt or fish for a period of two to four years.

During the development of the 'Castillicos' operation, which is part of the 'Red Dot' operation, developed at the national level for the control and fight against poaching, Benem rita has had the collaboration Group of environmental agents of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia (CARM) and the Center for the Recovery of Wild Fauna and Flora of 'El Valle', in Murcia Those investigated and the proceedings carried out have been made available to the Court of Instruction of Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia).

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Source: Ministerio del Interior

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