Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


PP: "The divorce has been consummated!" (03/10/2017)

We knew that sooner or later it would happen, it was sung ..., the penalty is that it has taken so long, because the damage that are causing, both the PSOE and IU, to Moratalla and its neighbors, is practically irreparable.

We knew that this government of convenience (PSOE-GANAR MORATALLA-IU), created solely and exclusively to throw the PP, who had won the elections, would not work.

Loser pacts never work.

It is a shame that Moratalla has lost 2 years and now loses the remaining 2 remaining of the legislature, without a strong government dedicated to working for the Town and its neighbors.

Moratalla, does not deserve the local, regional and national discredit to which they are submitting PSOE-GANAR MORATALLA-IU.

Just 2 months ago, the current mayor approved the release of the former mayor, and from the PP we asked the PSOE Spokesman of Moratalla (Jesus Amo), to withdraw the powers and liberation, on all because of the damage he had done and what he was doing to the workers of the Town Hall, the Town of Moratalla and its neighbors;

and the regrettable thing is that Jesus Amo (current mayor) refused, because if he did, he knew that he did not sit in the mayor's chair.

The neighbors of Moratalla and their Pedanias do not deserve to be governed by a Team, which has dedicated and dedicates its time and effort, to fight among themselves, to play Poli bad and Good Poli, while the People lose subsidies and investments.

Nothing has been done in these two and a half years that we have legislature and the fault of all this has the PSOE of Moratalla, for having thrown in the arms of the radical left (IU) to take from the PP what had won at the polls.

Now, we demand that the Mayor summon an extraordinary and urgent plenary to remove the release to the Councilor of IU, Candida Marin, because it would be the height of the nonsense, that has removed the powers and keep the salary without doing anything in the Ayto This would be a major scandal, something that we moradores can not afford.

If he does not do it immediately, the Councilors of the PP will demand it.

I want to convey to the neighbors of Moratalla and of the Pedanías, on behalf of the PP of Moratalla and in mine own as President of the Party and Spokesman in the City Council, that the 5 councilors of the Popular Party of Moratalla, we will live up to the circumstances and that the PP, as it has always been, to solve the problems of the neighbors, not to create problems for the neighbors, for that there are others (PSOE and IU).

We will continue to work and support all those initiatives that are beneficial to Moratalla and its neighbors.

We can not afford to lose time in battles for power, while Moratalla and his Pedanias sink with the socialist and communist policies we are suffering.

We also want to convey to the workers of Ayat. De Moratalla, who have all our support and who have never tolerated, nor will we tolerate, the harassment they have been subjected in these two years by the former mayor, with the connivance of his colleagues of the PSOE of Moratalla.

Source: PP Moratalla

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