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The PP considers that the withdrawal of powers to Candi Marín in the City of Moratalla "is late" (04/10/2017)

The spokesman 'popular' in the Consistory moratallero, Juan Soria, states that "political marriages of convenience end in divorce"

The PP spokesman in the City of Moratalla, Juan Soria, today showed his satisfaction after the decision taken yesterday by the mayor of the PSOE in the City of Moratalla, Jesus Amo, to withdraw the powers to his partner of Government Candi Marín of IU, "a decision that comes late," said the popular spokesman.

Soria, who has appeared this morning in a press conference accompanied by Deputy Secretary of Municipal Policy of the PPRM, Visitation Martinez has advanced that "political marriages of convenience end in divorce," and regrets that the Socialists have held for two years a mayor " disastrous, whose abusive sharing has denounced on many occasions the Popular Party, "so they will demand the convening of an extraordinary and urgent Plenary" to stop being a councilor released as soon as possible. "

"We knew that sooner or later this would happen, it was sung," said Soria to lament the irreparable damage that is causing the neighbors and the municipality tripartite in the Government formed by PSOE, Ganar Moratalla and IU.

It should be remembered that the socialist mayor has withdrawn the powers to Marín for "the loss of confidence in his management and the constant problems with the staff of City Hall" as Jesus Amo said.

The "popular" spokesman in Moratalla has denounced that "this government of convenience was forged with the sole objective of overthrowing the PP of the local Executive, party that has remembered" was the legitimate winner of the elections ", but from the PP" we were connoisseurs that its political strategy was not going to work because the loser pacts never come to fruition. "

"It is a shame that Moratalla has lost 2 years and now loses the remaining 2 that are in the legislature, without a strong government dedicated to working for the People and its neighbors" has criticized Soria who has defended that Moratalla "does not deserve the local discredit , regional and national level to which they are submitting it PSOE- GANAR MORATALLA-IU ".

Also the PP spokesman in the City of Moratalla explained that two months ago they asked the current mayor of the PSOE to withdraw the powers and not allow the release of Candi Marin approved in plenary.

At this point he recalled that Candi Marín had previously starred in some incident with workers from the Consistory moratallero, and the mayor "unfortunately refused," Soria remarked to explain that "if he did not know Marín knew that he would not sit in the chair of the Town hall".

The residents of Moratalla and its districts do not deserve to be governed by a team, which has dedicated and dedicates its time and effort to fight among them while the people lose subsidies and investments, "said the spokesman 'popular' who has lamented the inaction of the municipal government in two and a half years of the legislature and has blamed the PSOE that "to take power from the PP has been thrown into the arms of the radical left."

That is why Soria has insisted on the need to call a plenary session so that Candi Marín ceases to be a councilor released "since in Soria's opinion" would be the height of the nonsense and a scandal that has withdrawn the competencies and maintain the salary without doing anything at the City Hall. "" If the Mayor does not carry out this petition the PP municipalities will demand it, "he announced.

Soria has appealed to the residents of Moratalla who said that both he and other council members of the PP "we will rise to the occasion to, as we have always done, to solve the problems of the moratalleros and not to create them that for that they are already PSOE and IU ".

"We will continue to work and support all those initiatives that are beneficial to Moratalla and its neighbors," Soria insists, as "we can not afford to waste time in power battles, while Moratalla and its districts sink with the policies of socialist and far-left parties. "

To conclude Soria has transmitted all the support of the PP to the workers of the City of Moratalla because, he has said "we have never tolerated the harassment to which they have been subjected these two years by the one that was mayor of municipality with the connivance of his colleagues in government, the PSOE of Moratalla. "

For his part, Deputy Secretary of Municipal Policy of the PPRM Visitation Martinez has lamented that Moratalla "has lost two years of eoconomic recovery and that after this incident two other years of instability and uncertainty remain"

He also remarked that "the PP will not remain in the standstill and we will propose initiatives for the benefit of the residents of Moratalla."

Finally, he insisted that "we will denounce the inaction of the Government in this municipality, thus supporting the Moratalleros who have the support of the PP."

Source: PP Región de Murcia

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