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Workshops for seniors of Moratalla helmet and pedanías (10/10/2017)

With the "Relaxation Workshops" in the districts of Sabinar and Benizar, the cycle of workshops for older people was started, organized by the Department of Social Policy of the Municipality of Moratalla and given by the company Tunstall-Televida, in charge of the provision of Tele-assistance service in the municipality.

The workshops, which were held in the Social Halls of both districts under a totally dynamic and practical methodology, were attended by a total of 32 people, all of whom could acquire various techniques for relaxation, anxiety control and negative thoughts.

Learning all these strategies will help them to improve their quality of life.

The practical training cycle continues in Moratalla with the workshops "Mente Activa" and "Awakening with a smile. Habits for a good rest".

With the first, it is intended to involve the elderly in their aging process, so that they continue to carry out actions that keep them active as long as possible, taking care of their body and mind.

With the second, we will know habits and behaviors to perform during the day in order to prepare our body to have a good night's sleep.

Although the workshops are totally free, interested persons must register at the Pensioner's Home or at the Local Employment Center / Women's Center located at C / Hogar del Pensionista s / n (968 730 154).

Source: Ayuntamiento de Moratalla

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