Portal de Moratalla


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The Civil Guard arrests the two alleged perpetrators of the abduction of a ton of almonds. The arrested persons are allegedly charged with two crimes of robbery committed on a farm in Moratalla (20/10/2017)

Both used the knowledge of the area and its agricultural activity to go unnoticed

The Benemérita has had the citizen collaboration

The Civil Guard of the Region of Murcia has developed the operation 'NONOS', a research aimed at clarifying the subtraction of large numbers of almonds in the Northwest region, which has resulted in the arrest of two people who are attributed the alleged authorship of two theft offenses in which an estimated one tonne of this type of dried fruit is estimated.

Staff of the ROCA team (against robberies in the field) of the Benemérita began the operation last September after the filing of a complaint for the subtraction of about thousand kilos of almonds from trees without harvesting.

The first investigations practiced allowed the civil guards to find out that the subtractions of almonds were usually produced in a time slot between the food and the first hours of the afternoon, always staggered and in different parts of the farm.

It was also found that the authors of the thefts had to be people with a remarkable knowledge of the area, which allowed them to access the farms by rural roads and little traveled without raising suspicions.

As the investigation progressed and thanks to the collaboration of citizens, the agents were obtaining indications that made suspicion of two neighbors of Moratalla, without antecedents for crimes of the same nature, that they drove a van similar to the detected by the environs of the zone by several neighbors.

The investigators found that the two suspects were engaged in agricultural work and cultivated several parcels of land, some of which were planted with almonds, which allowed them to avoid raising suspicions when selling the stolen almonds in the corresponding warehouses.

Once obtained all the necessary indications, the Civil Guard has located and detained the suspects as alleged perpetrators of two crimes of theft, estimating that they are after the removal of a ton of almonds.

The Spanish detainees, aged 22 and 53, and residents of Moratalla, along with the investigations, have been placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction of Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia).

Source: Ministerio del Interior

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