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The PP calls the PSOE - IU pact as "the pact of deception and fraud" (26/10/2017)

If it were not for the seriousness of the matter, what is happening in Moratalla would be more typical of a Berlanga movie, but if we echo the last fight that we have been able to hear and read between the former mayoress (Cándida Marín de IU) and the mayor (Jesus Amo of the PSOE), fight published in the media, we could denominate this film like:



In the elections of May 2015, there were people of good, who supported with their vote to (GANAR MORATALLA-IU), believing all those proposals that they sold to agree with the PSOE and to throw to the PP;

Social emergency plans to save families.

Elimination of contracts with external companies and allocate money for job creation.

Remunicipalisation of the water service.

Etc., Etc., Etc., ...

But now, after two and a half years of government, we have discovered the true goal of "PACT".

That she was none other than "PUT HER ANDRÉS", her husband ... as we heard in that heated conversation last August, between Candida Marin and Jesus Amo.

That was what really mattered to Candida Marin, what else she promised those who believed in her did not care about a pepper.

Her only ambition was to "put" her husband (Service Manager) above the (Service Manager), knowing that he was skipping the hierarchy of Services

And a Judgment.

And that he did during his two years in office, with the complicity of his government partner Jesús Amo

(PSOE), because for him, his only ambition was to sit in the chair of the mayor's office at any cost.


The Town of Moratalla is fed up with these "COMMUNIST LADIES" who have made the Town Hall their "cortijo" with the support of the PSOE and that only seek the work of their own, as has been demonstrated in that recording.

We are fed up with this government of the Pact (PSOE-IU), which was born only to throw the PP and destroy Moratalla and his Pedanias as they are doing.

We are being the laugh of the entire Region of Murcia.

They are giving a sultry spectacle that we do not deserve the citizens of Moratalla and its Pedanías

It has been shown that for Candida Marín (GANAR MORATALLA-IU), the true SOCIAL EMERGENCY was "TO PLACE YOUR ANDRÉS, HIS HUSBAND ...

"CÁNDIDA MARÃN AND JESÚS AMO, with the PACT, have STACKED AND DECEIVED their voters and those who believed in them.

Source: PP Moratalla

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