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The course "planning of projects and activities with participatory methodologies" begins (31/10/2017)

The Department of Citizen Participation of the City of Moratalla offers free training and with Official Certification "Planning of projects and participatory activities".

The course, motivated by the good impact that the previous edition had on the same subject called "Educate for participation", seeks to deepen tools and participatory skills, offer specialized resources so that young people can carry out their projects through participatory methodologies and help in the planning of projects that have those who participate or that can be devised during the celebration of the course.

Juan F. Berenguer - Social educator with extensive experience in the implementation and implementation of education programs for participation at the regional, state and international levels, as well as in training actions aimed at young people and author of numerous publications on the subject - is responsible for conducting the training and make available to students, through a very practical methods, specialized resources to carry out their projects through participatory methodologies.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Moratalla

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