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"Gender Violence can not be undone but can be eliminated" (14/11/2017)

The City of Moratalla, from the Department of Equality promotes an Educational Program to combat Violence against Women called "Gender Violence can not be undone but can be eliminated."

Violence against women is one of the most degrading violations of Human Rights and continues to progress globally.

It does not respect borders, cultures, economic levels.

It is present in times of conflict and in times of peace, at home, at work and on the street.

It is a manifest injustice that prevents society from advancing on the path of equality and common well-being that we all want in coexistence.

Unfortunately, the worst outcome of gender violence is death and for this reason, year after year we have to continue condemning it and taking action to prevent and eliminate it.

Statistics tell us that in the last 15 years 916 women have been killed by their partners or former partners, with approximately 24-25% women between 16 and 30 years old.

These figures show us that gender violence is something that happens in couples of all ages, also in young couples.

However, they only reflect the most serious cases, those that end in murder, since this is just one more form of abuse.

There are many couples in which there is a more subtle violence, which is very dangerous because it is difficult to recognize it seems less important, and may go unnoticed or even make us think that this is not violence because it appears disguised as a sign of love.

But the consequences are equally terrible, and it is important to know how to detect it in time, it is about psychological violence.

This will be the main objective of the Educational Program to which all the Moratalla Primary and Secondary Education Centers are added, that is, to provide tools and skills to prevent and tackle gender violence among young people.

As a public order action, on November 24 at 12 o'clock, the Photo Exhibition "Small Stories, Great Women" - inaugurated by the Popular University of Cartagena - will be inaugurated in the Hall of the City Council.

Immediately after, a rally is called at 12:30 in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento to read the institutional manifesto against violence against women.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Moratalla

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