Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


Support to Candida Marín Secretary of the CCOO Trade Union Section (25/01/2018)

The Federation of Services to the Citizen of Comisiones Obreras expresses its support to the General Secretary of the Trade Union Section of CCOO in the Municipality of Moratalla Candida Marín Lozano whose labor rights are being violated by the City Council by depriving him of the exercise of his functions as Coordinator of the Center of day that it exerted until its leave for reasons espureas that hide an unacceptable political revanchismo in the land of the labor rights.

CCOO urges the Mayor of Moratalla, as the head of the City Council to reinstate in his work duties Coordinator of the Day Center to Candida Marín and settle political differences through established channels, which have nothing to do with labor relations between the City Council and your workers and workers.

Source: Secretaria Sección Sindical CCOO Ayuntamiento M

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