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IU-Green criticized for not mobilize all the resources of the region to quell the fire of Moratalla (02/07/2012)

The IU-Green councilor in the city of Murcia, Jose Ignacio Tornel, today criticized the municipal and regional governments for not having mobilized all available resources of the Region, including firefighters from Murcia to extinguish the fire Moratalla.

Tornel has indicated that the first hours are "essential" to control a fire, and that "this task is easier the more seals are available dirt."

"However, in the fire yesterday Murcia firefighters received no notice from the emergency services of the Autonomous Community, nor any offer was made by the mayor of Murcia nor responsible for their team in Security, Nuria Fuentes, so that finally they were their own fire service, aware of the fire by social networks, who unofficially offered their support. "

For the mayor, "can not understand how even though the fire started at noon was not declared level 2 until the afternoon, and how from the beginning was not called at all effective available taking into account the strong wind as lack of resources, limited to the forest brigades, as the Emergency Military Unit nearest located in Bétera, was in the Valencia fire, forcing them to mobilize in Madrid and Seville, which was not incorporated until much later. "

Source: IURM

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