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The Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon is interested in Moratalla experience in the field of rural tourism (03/07/2012)

During the 26, 27 and 28 June took place in the Greek cities Akrotiri and Pili (Region of Thessaly) the third technical meeting Villages Project.

Press conference with the representative of the region of Thessaly, the mayors of Akrotiri, Pili and Ergithea, Villages project leader and the City of Moratalla

Under Villages project and in particular in relation to the innovative methodology experts exchange "Countryside Exchange", a crucial aspect discussed was the organization of the first exchange to take place in Lebanon from 15 to 21 October.

Moratalla City Council will provide expertise and experience in comprehensive development and tourism management at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon, after visiting Moratalla last April, found on the spot the similarities in development strategies both Mediterranean regions and the possibilities of exchange and development in tourism.

Other matters discussed were the analysis of different examples of sustainable development and improvement of local governance systems, the implementation of new tools for project communication in the different areas involved, workshops and visits to various local facilities related to the food industry and forestry, as well as various cultural and tourist facilities in the area.

The meeting also included a meeting of steering and monitoring where each of the partners discussed the status of the project in their territory, both run and financially.

Group photo with the representative of the region of Thessaly, partners Villages of Palestine,

France, Italy, Tunisia and Egypt and the City of Moratalla

During the meeting, the project partners were welcomed by the mayors of the area and regional authorities in Thessaly, and held various meetings with the economic and social representatives of the municipalities of Akrotiri and Pili, including Regional Development Agency Karditsa, the Environmental Education Center of Akrotiri, the Cooperative of Women Entrepreneurs Association and other associations, organizations and companies that are part of the Focus Group of the Greek partner.

In addition, Councilman Local Development, Employment and Tourism of Moratalla, Juan Soria, held talks with the mayors of Akrotiri and Pili as well as the director of the Regional Development Agency of Karditsa (ANKA) to study the various possibilities of cooperation between municipalities in areas such as tourism, biomass and forestry, or environmental education, and preparation of future projects under the ENPI program related to the improvement of agriculture.

In point of communication, the Web project, which has contributed Moratalla more visits after the lead partner, will be supplemented by a news blog in the language of each of the partners that allow for greater interactivity local, regional and national people interested in the Villages project.

With this third international meeting successfully closes first annual Villages Project, during which Moratalla has met all the requirements of the project, both financially and from the point of view of implementation.

In this regard, and in addition to organizing the second workshop on local governance systems last April, the City of Moratalla has informed the project partners on the creation, requirements, operation and activities carried out by the local working group called "Focus Group" which aims to promote integrated development with particular attention to tourism in the town of Moratalla.

The project VILLAGES "Savoir Faire Transfert en Méditerranée pour le Développement Durable de Commnutautés Estate in Rural Zones Défavorisées" (Exchange of Good Practices in the Mediterranean for the development of local communities in disadvantaged rural areas), is part of Priority 4 .

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance; Measure 4.3.

Improved local governance process ENPI CBC Med Programme.

Villages Promotes, through the creation of a multisectoral partnership, improving the living conditions of local communities in disadvantaged rural areas of the Mediterranean, providing tools to create their own systems of governance and developing their skills as a catalyst of local development processes.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Moratalla

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