Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


The forest fire affecting Moratalla is quite stable and shows no active outbreak (03/07/2012)

The presidential advisor, Manuel Campos, reported today that the wildfire that affects from Sunday to the natural de Moratalla is "absolutely stable, the focus having no assets, and there is no possibility of introducing any reproduction of the fire on the perimeter of the fire. "

After a meeting with emergency personnel responsible for the extinction, Campos noted that "the development of fire is very favorable, thanks to a positive weather, relative humidity is very high and soft wind, which has greatly facilitated the work of extinguishing a fire that appeared very difficult. "

"The rapid and effective intervention of ground and aerial means has determined that it has a favorable situation and control the flames," he said Campos from the Advanced Command Post, located in the town of Calasparra.

"We will not lower our guard and will maintain all seals forest assets at the same level so far, so intense and relentlessly, through a device of some 40 professionals from extinction groups, coordination, support logistics and health, "said Campos.

Control situation

In this sense, the regional government has dropped to level 1 Civil Protection Plan for Wildfire Emergency in the Region of Murcia (Infomur Plan), so that the means of the Emergency Military Unit will retreat along the next few hours, because there is no risk to people or property.

The Minister stressed that the current situation of the fire in the region can maintain an "absolute confidence", which has worked very actively the EMU, but considered that the use of human and material resources from the state must be "prudent and reasonableness and now needs can be located in other regions fighting other fires very active. "

Salmeron Neighborhood

Responsible autonomy, and also director of Infomur Plan, stressed that the residents of Salmeron, who were evacuated from their homes for their own safety before the fire, "were able to return to their homes last night because he had full assurance that there would be produce any shock. "

The aircraft and crews acted Forest, Fields highlighted, with special emphasis on this area throughout yesterday, to ensure the return to their homes in the shortest time possible.

Source: CARM

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