Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


The Community assumes extinguished the fire in the natural environment of Moratalla (06/07/2012)

The presidential advisor, Manuel Campos, reported today that the wildfire that has hit since last Sunday's natural environment Moratalla has been extinguished today after five days' hard work and intense fighting "in a fire which originated in Hellin (Albacete).

Fields noted that the area affected by fire "there are no ignition materials and it is not possible to play" at any point of the 1,100 acres included in the scope of the fire zone "could see significantly reduced," he recalled the counselor, "measurement once the total area burned with greater precision."

"Work is already on the ground in quantifying and valuing trees and shrubs affected by fire, a critical element to assess the damage of this tragic event for environmental Murcia," stressed the responsible autonomy.

The rapid extinction of the fire, which was controlled on Tuesday, is "great news for the region," he said, so it refers to "save one of the richest natural areas in the Community for its diversity of flora and fauna. "

Specifically, the site Saws and Vega Alta Segura River and rivers Alhárabe and Moratalla, classified as a Site of Community Importance, brings a dense thicket formed by species of the Murcia and rosemary, as well as pine and pine stocking adult understory of shrubs and small areas of recruitment.

This natural area is home to a large number of animal species, such as wild boar, ibex, fox, genet, squirrel, wild cat, booted eagle, serpent eagle, hawk, owl, eagle owl, peregrine falcon, smooth snake, lizard and natterjack toad, among others.

The head of the Ministry of the Presidency noted that the number and location of the specimens of these species affected by the fire "can only be quantified after a comprehensive inventory and mapping of the burned area."

Broad device

The fire originated on Sunday in the town of Hellin, Albacete, and within hours got into the Murcia region, particularly affecting areas Salmeron and Cenajo, prompting the activation level 2 and even Infomur Plan proactively eviction of 17 residents Salmeron, parish of Moratalla.

In fire suppression have worked more than 400 land and air of Civil Protection Plan for Wildfire Emergency in the Region of Murcia (Infomur Plan) between the group staff of extinction, monitoring, coordination, health and support logistics, fire, forest brigades, Security Forces and members of the Emergency Military Unit (UME).

The intervention of air assets was "final" for the rapid control of the flames, which were quickly extinguished with the continuous discharge of water from the three helicopters of the Presidential, five seaplane FOCA Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and two helicopter gunships KAMOV type.

Source: CARM

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