Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


Manifesto of the municipality of Moratalla, when they turn 15 years of kidnapping and murder of Miguel Angel Blanco (12/07/2012)

15 years ago, the terrorist group ETA kidnapped and killed Miguel Angel Blanco, a 29 year member of the Partido Popular.

Spain moved whole, six million Spanish people took to the streets in an attempt to save his life demanding that ETA would not kill him, the streets were filled with citizens of all persuasions united in common cause against terrorist brutality.

In those days cried, "Enough, we want peace", "No guns are nothing."

It created a sense of solidarity with the pain of an innocent family and this awareness is spread throughout society.

At that time, all together pray, demand that would apply the rule of law, not negotiate with terrorists, which dignify all victims.

Miguel Angel Blanco has become a symbol of freedom and democracy, a permanent memorial to all victims of terrorism Spanish.

Therefore, in order to perpetuate this memory, our town at that time took the decision to appoint as Miguel Angel Blanco a place in our town.

Today, again, to remind Miguel Angel Blanco and all victims of terrorism, the City Council of Moratalla, we publish this manifesto, in which we reaffirm that commitment to peace and say that, do not forget and that victims terrorism must be an ethical and social for all good citizens.

Serve this statement as a tribute and recognition as a means of permanent reminder of what should never have happened.

Serve this manifesto to seat the memory of Miguel Angel Blanco and all victims of terrorism.

Serve this act to settle our own memory.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Moratalla

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