Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


The Government asked the State to adopt urgent measures and aid to alleviate the damage caused by the burning of Moratalla (27/07/2012)

The regional government has authorized to request the State to adopt urgent measures and financial assistance to alleviate the damage caused to the lands, goods and people affected by the fire of the days 1 to 4 July in Moratalla.

Thus, it is necessary to central government intervention to define a specific scheme and adopt a set of compensation and mitigation measures aimed at repairing the damage caused by fire, and recovery of specific areas affected.

The preliminary assessment of damages and expenses amounted to 10,274,573 euros, according to reports by the technical staff of the Ministry of Presidency, including environmental damage (9,193,775 euros), damage to infrastructure (756,120 euros), Plan expenditure for implementing Infomur (196,275 euros) and suppression costs (128,403 euros).

The blaze had charred 1,370 acres, 1.43 percent of the municipal area, and affected mainly the Sierra Mountains of Salmeron and Cubillas.

The fire originated in Hellin (Albacete), and lasted only a few hours the town of Moratalla.

Of the affected area, 1,322 acres are part of the Site of Community Importance (SCI) and Vega del Segura Sierra and rivers Alhárabe and Moratalla, representing a 12.13 per cent of protected land in this space.

The high spread of fire, which caused the precautionary evacuation of the population of the hamlet of Salmeron (Moratalla), and the high level of environmental protection in the area, require specific and urgent actions to regenerate damage.

Source: CARM

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