Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


The Ministry of Presidency continues the work of environmental restoration of the area affected by the fire Salmerón (02/01/2014)

In addition, 300 barricades of wood and masonry are built to control erosion and conditioned almost 35 miles of forest roads damaged

The work plan with an investment of 1.5 million euros, borne by the Community, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment and Social Development 'la Caixa'

The Ministry of Presidency, through the Directorate General for the Environment, continues with the environmental restoration work, expected in the first phase, for the recovery of the area affected by the fire declared Salmerón (Moratalla) 1 July 2012, sinister calcined 1370.10 hectares of forest land and agricultural hamlet Sierras and Vega Alta del Segura River, and rivers and Moratalla Alhárabe.

The actions financed by the Ministry of the Presidency, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Obra Social La Caixa, have focused on the extraction and removal of burnt trees, building structures to control erosion and arrangement and enhancement of road infrastructure.

These works, which have been underway since early April and is expected to be completed later this year, was allocated 1,516,000 euros.

It has also built barricades and fajinas 300, 285 and 15 wood masonry, which will help take the pressure of rain water and sediments, thus slowing and reducing the erosive force trawls, and has come almost 35 miles forest roads, severely damaged by the rains and trawls.

The Minister stressed "the" important works "made in the fire area and added that since" you can see the first signs of recovery of the landscape and vegetation of the area ", which already appreciates a good regenerated pine and the appearance of the main species of understory companion (mastic, rosemary esparto, kermes, thorns, etc..) and numerous species of fauna (ibex, forest raptors).

Running Performances

The work plan designed for the recovery of the vegetation cover of the area burned in Moratalla began with the removal and disposal of burned wood by cutting and removing the charred trees and branches and fine crushing trees.

This operation gets the wood to decompose faster and become part of the future forest soil.

He then proceeded to build barricades of wood and masonry to control erosion problem that occurs after a fire at the lack of support.

Thus, the wood from the area itself has served as raw material to carry out treatments containment slopes.

These small structures were built across the natural channels (gully) to retain sediment crawls when a certain intensity or rain torrential occurs.

Upon completion of the work of ecological restoration works have been developed for the settlement and improvement of road infrastructure damaged.

In this sense, we have repaired all those service roads stretches of forests damaged by falling rocks, sediment entrainment by torrential rains and traffic engineering.

Following this work, it gives way to the emerging natural regeneration but the plant remains damaged by the flames that were on the ground.

Also, staff is conducting the relevant monitoring and pest control, so necessary in such a sensitive and prone to attack as is a mass affected by fire ecosystem.

Future projects

The actions in the area are aimed at retrieving the preconditions to the fire and help the regeneration of the area.

The objectives of this work are to improve the affected ecosystem and to increase as well, biodiversity and living conditions for wildlife, increase forest cover, reduce erosion, and protect against future fires, while allowing recovering the local economy.

However, you still need to work on the total affected, especially in controlling erosion through forest hydrological work correction, to minimize soil loss and surface runoff damage.

To do this, you must perform the installation of dams, especially since the area is close to the Segura river and an extensive network of roads and farmland of the Vega del Segura.

In another phase of regeneration, will be studied and addressed possible jobs, such as reforestation in areas with shortages of regeneration, silvicultural treatments in areas where the composition is excessive and infrastructure repair.

Source: CARM

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