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Signature of contract management and energy service mantenimientode municipal public lighting installations (10/01/2014)

The mayor, Antonio García Rodríguez, and the Director General of Facilities and Services Company Imesapi, SA, Jorge Pérez Bartholomew, this morning signed a contract for the Energy Management Service and Maintenance of Public Lighting Moratalla.

This service, awarded Imesapi, SA, ACS Group company and leading industry benchmark of conservation and exploitation of urban and inter-urban infrastructure is a major improvement for municipal street lighting in three key areas:

- Save: this new management will reduce by more than 25% the cost of service for the City of Moratalla.

- Environment: the replacement of lighting systems equipment Metal Halide with electronic ballasts, which significantly reduce the electrical power and that in turn means a reduction in CO2 emissions estimated at about 125 tonnes / year.

- Service: an innovative system monitored by maintenance and monitoring of remote management facilities permanently, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Lighting systems have evolved very significantly in reducing electricity consumption.

However, to achieve these reductions will require two basic things: resources to finance the replacement of fixtures and facilities for lower consumption and, on the other hand, a permanent correction of incident management on lighting with appropriate staff and resources.

This contract, which runs for 15 years, will allow the City of Moratalla renovate facilities and luminaries lighting panels 66 are there in the town and about 2,500 points of light.

Likewise, it will normalize stably scheduled payment for the entire period, improve service delivery, greater control over the facilities, as well as compliance with current regulations and energy efficiency.

Us Imesapi, SA, now has three months to carry out reforms and renovation of facilities, for after this time fully assume management of lighting including maintenance and payment of the energy bill.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Moratalla

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