Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


Development Undersecretary inaugurates rehabilitation Moratalla Castle (16/01/2014)

Undersecretary of Public Works, Mario Garcés, today opened the rehabilitation of the Castle of Moratalla in Murcia, a performance that the Ministry of Public Works has undertaken with the funds of 1% Cultural.

The Ministry has funded 75% of the works, a total of 362,447.78 euros, while City of Moratalla contributed the remaining 25%.

Description of performance

The restoration has been carried out on almost all of the Castle.

He has performed in all stretches of wall and towers, except the Keep will be the subject of a later-on intervention inside enclosure and discovered remains of encasamiento as well as in the fields at the foot of the tower Mirador, in what is known by the name of 'pen rabbits'.

Rehabilitation activities primarily consisted of consolidation, which included archaeological research, implementation of screeds and masonry towers of the wall paintings, partial reconstruction of the volume of the White Tower, building tours at different levels with the placement metal stairs and walkways, and covering the remains found of encasamiento for enabling the lower stay as a space for a new use.

Moratalla Castle, of Islamic origin, is located on one end of the town as part of its urban fence.

His canvases and towers were originally built with mud pretiladas factories and crenellated, in successive reforms were lined with masonry.

He was awarded the Order of Santiago and underwent numerous reforms under such sponsorship.

Today is a landmark of feudal structures held by military orders.

Also, its keep is considered one of the most graceful and best built throughout the late Middle Ages.

The fortified enclosure, equipped with an inner encasamiento compound of warehouses, storerooms, stables, various rooms for room, water tank and home to the governor of the fort, showing a state of semi-abandonment from the eighteenth century.

Cultural 1% to 1.5%

The 1% Cultural program is one of the instruments available to the central government to respond to the constitutional mandate that public authorities should ensure the preservation and promote the enrichment of the historical, cultural and artistic heritage of the peoples of Spain and goods in it.

To that end provided that minimum percentage to be applied to public works, but on 15 October 2013, the Ministry of Public Works signed with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport the VI Partnership Agreement for joint action in the Heritage Spanish through Cultural 1.5%, for which the Ministry of Public Works is committed to expand its contribution to this subject, from 1% to 1.5% of the budget of the works tendered in the future.

Source: Ministerio de Fomento

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