Portal de Moratalla


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Parishes of the Sierra de Moratalla collect food and clothing for Jesus Forsaken (11/07/2014)

Environment for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, in the parishes of the districts of the Sierra de Moratalla-The Sabine, Calar de la Santa, Campo de San Juan, Benizar, Otos, and Casa Requena-Mazuza organized a week of charity to raise awareness among people from different districts of the importance of solidarity to help meet the needs of people at risk of social exclusion.

As followers of these different districts collaborate as volunteers in Jesus Forsaken, we decided to collect nonperishable food and clothes for this institution.

The pastor of these districts of Moratalla, D. Pedro Osete ensures that the answer was "magnificent" and on Wednesday a trip to Murcia, involving about 50 people, to transport food and clothing organized.

"In Jesus Forsaken we were welcomed with great joy and give them all the products.

Then we taught all facilities and projects being I just "said the pastor.

Taking advantage of the trip to the capital, the group visited the Cathedral and the shrine of the Fuensanta.

"It was a day of living, which befriended the inhabitants of the different districts, it was beautiful," says Peter D. Osete.

Source: Obispado de Cartagena

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