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RM EQUO regrets and condemns what happened in IV Closure parties moratalla (18/07/2014)

The last day, July 16, the newspaper "La Opinión" echoed in his Towns section IV of chronic Moratalla held in confinement because of their fiestasen that "as civil protection, did not have to make any intervention, but a cow had to be withdrawn after go wrong stop a fight with a sheepdog. "

This situation, close to absurdity, has many readings;

for green training is incontestable proof that the animals are not things that can be used, as in this case, for the amusement of humans.

To EQUO RM is deplorable continued use animals to celebrate the holidays in a locality.

Tradition can not and should not be an excuse for sentient beings but without knowledge of what they pay to live the consequences of human decisions that is not valued in any sense, for all the suffering they entail.

Therefore, RM EQUO requires management of the City of Moratalla locate the dog owner and sanctions are imposed under Law 10/1990 of 27 August, Protection and Defense of Animals Company, ensuring in However, the welfare of the dog because it should not suffer the consequences of who is responsible for holding the conditions laid down in that Act

Furthermore, we demand that the responsible for organizing and ensuring that the above closures are we carried out correctly, without exposing the safety of participants, give appropriate explanations about the events that are in the smaller of the cases, an obvious neglect and lack of predictable reaction to a situation that could easily have serious consequences and liabilities arising from such unfortunate organizational failure are purged.

RM EQUO moratallense urges the population to promote a festival for all citizens to put their great value without such cultural festivals have to involve suffering.

Source: EQUO RM

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