Portal de Moratalla


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detail of Moratalla


The Ministry of Water awarded the construction of a sewage collector and sanitation in El Sabinar Moratalla (01/12/2015)

The Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment, through the Directorate General for Water, has awarded the contract for the construction of an industrial water treatment and sanitation collector in El Sabinar Moratalla, with a budget of 1,120. 952 euros and an execution period of 12 months.

The action is part of the objectives of the Ministry referred to the 'II General Plan of cleansing and purifying of the Region of Murcia 2015-2020' and will serve a core of about 400 inhabitants.

The plant will include elements such as pretreatment, where the driven discharge flow will occur;

biological reactors, equipped with oxidation systems, agitation and secondary sedimentation;

tertiary treatment, sand filter and disinfection with hypochlorite and ultraviolet radiation;

sludge treatment, comprising a recirculation system and both floating and pumping excess sludge and for sludge thickening system by gravity.

A control building and maintenance will serve the wastewater treatment plant and its operation will be managed which will also be built.

It will consist of an office, warehouse, blowers and interior room for the generator, among other things.

The sanitation collector consist of a pipe length of 447 meters, from the town of El Sabinar to the pumping station, with corresponding manholes.

The pumping station to the treatment plant will consist of the construction of a pumping pit consists of two chambers, a wet, where wastewater flows from the collection manifold is provided, and a dry season where the pumping system will stay.

The system will also have a grate, overflow and aeration systems.

This plot will also drive a fenced own point of drinking water and electricity supply for making bombs.

The construction of the delivery manifold allow wastewater arriving from the pumping station to the plot of the sewage through a pipe HDPE of 209 meters in length and 125 mm in diameter.

Source: CARM

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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