Portal de Moratalla


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Moratalla News - November 2018

detail of Moratalla
  • UNESCO declares the tamboradas as Intangible Heritage of Humanity (29/11/2018)
    The assembly hall of the Moratalla Town Hall has exploded with joy as it lives streaming live the decision taken by UNESCO
  • Citizens celebrates that their contribution of 500,000 euros to Plant Health has allowed to control the plague of 'xylella fastidiosa' (02/11/2018)
    The training has contributed since it was detected in the Balearic Islands a year ago 900,000 euros in budgets in prevention and control work
  • The Community allocates 500,000 euros to fight the Xylella Fastidiosa (02/11/2018)


  • UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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